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We are passionate about finding the best ways to rate, search and find delicious restaurants nearby, no matter what type of food you prefer. We enable our users to follow their very own tastes and also discover new tastes and experiences in other countries. By providing our users with meticulous information, we enable them to make informed choices. is designed to help everyone find their next delicious meal.


Our team

We are people who love food and technology, the companion through the colorful world of food and a confidant for advice on efficient presentation and long-term positioning. team strive for achieving all the goals we have set for ourselves. Our plan is to keep getting better everyday and ensure a better fooding experience for the guests. Our missions and beliefs are deeply entrenched in each and every one of our team members.

Our team

Our beliefs

We value the restaurants we work with and the guests that are using our website. Our main focus is to make sure that the restaurants are found more easily and that the search results are accurate and relevant.


We value the restaurants we work with and the guests that are using our website. Our main focus is to make sure that the restaurants are found more easily and that the search results are accurate and relevant.


We try to be as transparent as possible for both restaurant owners and guests. Guests on always have access to various options such as the list of amenities, the questionnaire, feedback and much more.


We want to make the entire process of finding good food as smooth as possible, so we provide up-to-date and accurate restaurant addresses and contact information. connects guests from your neighbourhood and the rest of the world!

We connect guests from your neighbourhood and the rest of the world!